
New health authority building, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1st prize

New health authority building, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1st prize
New health authority building, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1st prize
The new building for the Public Health Department is situated in a heterogeneous setting, transitioning from the town center in the south to the residential development expanding to the north of the site. The design aims to grant the Public Health Department a significant presence within the urban space while facilitating the transition between the central area and the residential zone.

The building consists of two gable-roofed structures, staggered to create a plaza area that accommodates entrances, the reception area, and waiting spaces. The existing trees on the site will be preserved as much as possible.

In this diverse environment, it is essential to give the Public Health Department building its own distinct and appropriate identity. This identity emerges from the urban planning structure and the choice of resource-efficient, climate-neutral materials such as wood.

This sustainable construction approach is also reflected in the façade design. The base, which houses public functions, will feature a natural stone façade, while the two gable-roofed buildings will have wooden façades that highlight their office use. Both the façades and terrace areas have the potential to incorporate greenery, enhancing the building's ecological footprint and connection to its surroundings.
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