
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden

Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
Zwinger Porzellansammlung , Dresden
The porcelain collection of Augustus the Strong is housed in the central section of the Dresden Zwinger. On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the reinvention of porcelain on European soil in Meissen, Saxony, large parts of the porcelain collection's display were redesigned, and a permanent loan of unique bird sculptures was newly integrated.

The exhibition was reimagined and arranged according to designs by New York interior architect Peter Marino. The bird sculptures now inhabit a newly created pergola that seems to have been taken straight from a Baroque garden. Original life-sized animal sculptures rest on a gilded rocky landscape.

With over 20,000 pieces of "white gold," lacquer and leather, colorful silk, gilded rocks, a pagoda-shaped pavilion, and Chinese canopies, the porcelain collection offers visitors a vivid impression of the dream of a porcelain palace envisioned by Augustus the Strong. In the newly redesigned exhibition, this dream becomes a reality.
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Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement, NL Dresden I LP 4-8, design Peter Marino, New York

Total construction costs 2,470,000 million euros
Gross floor area: 645 m²