
Building yard, Unterföhring

Building yard, Unterföhring
Building yard, Unterföhring
Building yard, Unterföhring
Building yard, Unterföhring
Building yard, Unterföhring
On the plot on Birkenhofstrasse, a functional new building with a strong structural presence has been created, bringing together scattered work and storage areas and enabling efficient, economical processes. The external design of the facilities combines a uniform appearance with a representative character.

The unifying structure of the building complex brings together different uses - office/administration, workshops, vehicle hall and storage areas - to form a coherent whole. These uses are grouped around a spacious courtyard area.
The complex consists of a staff building with employee flats, office space and recreation areas near the access road, a low-heated workshop and storage area near the vehicle hall and heated workshop and storage areas opposite, which are connected to the covered storage area.

The hall constructions allow for flexible floor plans, especially in the workshop, storage and vehicle hall areas. The parallel arrangement of the buildings optimises work processes and functionality, while the principle of short distances ensures that the room groups can be reached quickly.

The combination of the purple façade and the orange vehicles and work clothing not only creates a harmonious colour effect, but also establishes a visual identity that presents the building yard as a uniform and distinctive location. This colour scheme enhances the recognisability and strengthens the employees' sense of belonging.

The combination of the purple façade and the orange vehicles and work clothing not only creates a harmonious colour effect, but also creates a visual identity that presents the building yard as a uniform and distinctive location. This colour scheme enhances recognisability and strengthens the sense of belonging among employees.

The interiors have a restrained design, with surfaces that meet the respective requirements. The positive response to our colour concept, which even led to purple workbenches, was particularly pleasing.
In order to meet the requirements of a sustainable energy supply, the building yard is connected to the district heating network. An optional solar system will supply parts of the building with self-sufficient electricity in future.
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